Monday, July 2, 2007

There Once Was a Chord

I owned Grace by Jeff Buckley for some time. I had only listened to it in passing. Mainly, I listened to it while working. I wasn't impressed. It sounded like someone just trying to hit all kinds of notes just because he could. Then one night I was finished praying, I put the iPod on to have some music to sleep to. Hallelujah was the first song to play. I listened to it. I knew I was wrong. This man wasn't singing the notes because he could; he was singing them because it was the only way for him to be completely honest. So I listened to the rest of the cd. While I don't think it was his masterpiece -- I feel that shortchanges his promise some for I feel he would have gone on to make better music -- it was great. It has quickly become one of my favorite works. It's strange. Today, was a bad day in my family's history, but I found comfort in his music.

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